When you support CPH, you support artistry, community and lifelong learning in Cleveland.
The Allen, Outcalt, and Helen
Theatres are all located at
1407 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115
CPH is dedicated to serving diverse audiences with nationally acclaimed education programs.
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at Cleveland Play House:
If you were to make a list of things that make life worth living, what would be at the top? Ice cream? Family? The even numbered Star Trek films? Who would you share your list with? For our character in this uplifting solo performance, it’s their mother. This surprising and immersive theatrical experience speaks openly about depression, mental illness, and suicide. With poignant humor and joy, Every Brilliant Thing takes us on a journey through grief, healing, falling in love, and (re)discovering all that life has to give.
To see the performer schedule, click here.
Tarah Flanagan (Actor). Photo Credit: Roger Mastroianni.
(Performer) New York Theatre: The Mint Theatre, Looking Glass Theatre, Hang a Tale productions at the Pearl Theatre (The Little Prince), and the Sheen Center (An Iliad). Regional Theatre: Actor's Theatre of Louisville, Alabama Shakespeare Fest., Arkansas Repertory Theatre, Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Crossroads Theatre, Eugene O'Neil Theatre, more
(Playwright) DUNCAN MACMILLAN (Playwright) Plays include: People, Places and Things (2015-2017, National Theatre/Wyndham’s Theatre, West End); 1984, adapted from George Orwell (2013-2017, Headlong/Nottingham Playhouse Theatre Company, West End, Broadway, international tours, co-adapted/co-directed with Rob Icke); Every Brilliant Thing (2013-2017, Paines Plough/Pentabus Theatre, Edinburgh Festival, UK and international tours, HBO); more
(Director) (she/her) became Artistic Director of Cleveland Play House in 2013, and has directed numerous CPH mainstage productions, including The Crucible; Sweat; The Diary of Anne Frank; In the Next Room, or the vibrator play; Into the Breeches!; Every Brilliant Thing; and the world premieres of Tiny Houses, The more
(Scenic Designer) Scenic Designer) Professional set design: A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Chautauqua Theater Company); Chez Feydeau (The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London); Marjorie Prime, The Mystery of Love and Sex, Belleville, Time Stands Still, and Grizzly Mama (Dobama Theater); and A Doll’s House (The American Stage Theater more
(Lighting Designer) is a lighting, scenery, and installation designer and a Cleveland native. He is Resident Lighting Designer at Cleveland Public Theatre where recent designs have included Gloria, Fire on the Water, and Red Ash Mosaic. Other Cleveland design work includes Maelstrom Collaborative Arts, Beck Center for the Arts, more
(Costume Designer) is currently in her twenty-third season at Cleveland Play House where she is the assistant costume shop manager. Dickey recently designed costumes for CPH’s New Ground Theatre Festival production with The Cleveland Orchestra of Every Good Boy Deserves Favor, having also designed for many productions in CPH’s more
(Sound Designer) is a Cleveland-based sound designer and projection designer. Credits include: THIS (Dobama Theatre), The Seagull (Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Play House), This Might Be The End (THE TRIP, Theatre Lab NYC), Macbeth(Case Western Reserve University/Cleveland Play House), The Last Tiger in Haiti (La Jolla Playhouse/Berkeley Repertory Theatre), more
(Stage Manager) is a Cleveland native who also proudly Stage Manages. Recent mainstage works include Every Brilliant Thing, Pipeline, CPH’s Borderlight reading of Our Dad is in Atlantis, Native Gardens, An Iliad, The Royale, The Diary of Anne Frank, ASM’ed The Good Peaches, hand-over SM’ed A Christmas Story and more
(Performer) was most recently seen in Every Brilliant Thing at Cleveland Play House. He was born in West Virginia, raised in North Carolina, and earned his BFA from the University of Minnesota/Guthrie Theater Actor Training Program. He was a Conservatory member for the 2018 and 2019 seasons at more
Every year, Cleveland Play House welcomes actors, production designers, and other professional artists from all over the country. These artists, many ...
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The Allen, Helen and Outcalt theatres are located at Playhouse Square
1407 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115
Administrative Offices and Education Center
1901 E. 13th Street, Suite 200 Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 400-7000
Production Center
7401 Detour Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103